Dump Truck Tarps
Mesh Dump Truck Tarps
Waterproof Vinyl Dump Truck Tarps
Our heavy-duty, waterproof black vinyl tarps are specifically designed for use on dump trucks and dump truck trailers. These are replacement tarps that will fit most standard electric and manual tarp systems. Reinforced with webbing along the length of both sides, these tarps provide complete protection from the elements and will hold up under the most stringent circumstances. Evenly spaced, rust-proof grommets allow easy tie-down, screw-down, or attachment to your tarp roller bar. These tarps are made of 18oz. to 22oz. vinyl for drivers that haul asphalt.
Asphalt Tarps
Our asphalt tarps are designed to fit most dump truck and dump truck trailer tarp systems, either new or as replacement tarps. Specially engineered to perform and hold up in high heat environments, Hot Top tarps are lighter and easier to work with than vinyl and will not stick to your asphalt or burn through. Suitable for hot or cold climates, these tarps are highly water and wind-resistant, but they not 100% waterproof because the fabric only comes in a narrow width and at least one seam is required to produce standard-size tarps. Most of our customers prefer Hot Top to vinyl when working with hot asphalt, but some D.O.T. officials have issues with it so, if yours are finicky, you might want to talk with them before ordering.